
"There is a way to be good again..."

Friday, November 19, 2010

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

IM Introduction, Ellison Bio, and UbD Post

On your blogs, post a response that does the following:

Look back over your notes on the introduction, the Ellison Bio, and the Big Picture Unit Overview...discuss1-2 of the following

~ Economics, geography & sociology that influenced Ellison's writing.

~ Where IM started, and where and how it ended up as a 581 page novel.

~ The attitude Ellison displays about the writing process, as well as the tone for the novel.

~ His commentary on the power a work of literary art provides the writer.

**Try to connect the UbD to the readings.

Monday, November 8, 2010

IM Section 1: Jim Crow/Segregation Timeline

Please analyze the following information and connect to Section 1 of Invisible Man.

Segregation/Jim Crow Timeline

On Freedom's Wings, The Legacy of the Tuskegee Airmen- Part 1

Part 1

On Freedom's Wings, The Legacy of the Tuskegee Airmen Part 2

Part 2

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Themes #1 & #2 Reflection

On your blogs, please post a response to the following:

1. How did you do with these Themes? How did you feel about how you thought you did compared to the grade you received? What did you do well?
2. What are some opportunity areas for you with your writing? (specific to FCA's)
3. What can you improve for next time? (Overall- process, amount of time, etc.)

Monday, November 1, 2010

The Great Gatsby Final Project

On you blog, please post the following:

1. A link to your project

2. Your thesis statement

3. A brief overview of your project: what were you trying to show? How?

4. Your experience working with the Web 2.0 tool you chose. Would you use it again? Why or Why not?

5. Overall: What went well? What would you change for next time?